April 1st Marks the Bing Bang Moment and Examines the Uncommon Era Before Time (UE)
XDF image: Universe 450 Million Years After Big Bang |
Diagram: Expansion of Universe after the Big Bang Moment
(Note: The Moment before time or the "Uncommon Era," UE) |
LEVERETT—April 1st. The Emeriti Space
Science Lab (in collaboration with NASA), has developed a composite image showing some galaxies that are at least “13.2 billion years old,” or just “550
million years* (+/-)” after the Big Bang event that marked the beginning of time. The Hubble telescope captured the Extreme Deep Field image (XDF). Emeriti Space Scientists working in the BHI
Space Module (See
Copernicus Post), have been exploring MXDF (More Extreme Deep Field) images of the moments before time began, referred to as the Uncommon Era or "UE" to mark the moments if they are ever
observed. It is theorized that the
Uncommon Era may be the source of strange ideas that seem to persist in the
minds of modern humans; They are classified as: “Strange, Very Strange and
Extremely Strange Ideas” (SI, VSI, ESI). The currently uncharted Uncommon Era
may contain the seeds of modern Social Psychology and Congressional Oversight
Hearings (used to hear complaints about lack of Oversight).
April 1st is the
most important Holiday in the Emeriti Year, (the second being the
VernalEquinox). It commemorates the Big Bang
Moment that began the 13.8 billion* year march toward providing Pensions for
superannuated scholars and it also represents the beginning of Particle Science Developmental Social Psychology as a field of study, at least for the Emeriti. (*Recently revised figure).
Sources: Emeritipedia, VOA, NASA, and
Charting the Uncommon Era, EPI ©2009
Product of the Brotherhood of the Emeriti ©2013